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or phone Deb Robertson on 02 98351882 & 0409669876

Friday, April 30, 2010

Gasmata Service 674 - Is Left Up to Westbus

We have been wondering why the Gasmata service is held up so far - our sources say it may be up to Westbus to decide as to when it starts.

As we are in communication with the spokesperson from Westbus, once we are notified - you'll be the first to know from us. We don't want people being mislead. Blacktown City Council have apparently approved the route and sdestination of bus stops so here we are!

Save our Bus Services Group Meeting May

Our Group will be meeting on 8th May 2010 - should anyone wish to come along and be part of a growing group - please contact us and we will provide you with further details.

There are a few issues to discuss - delayed 674 Gasmata Bus Service, pending issues Shalvey, Bidwill and also 'Blake's Way!'

This time we have asked members for any other issues/topics to be referred to us to be added on the agenda. Feedback from our group is always forthcoming.

We will push ahead for improvements for bus infrastructure around Mount Druitt suburbs. There will always be representation from the community to 'Better Mount Druitt Communities' for buses.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Where Is Promised Gasmata Bus New Service 764

It appears the date the NSW Government selected 27th April to start the 674 new bus route service has passed - another broken promise!Although it was pending Blacktown City Council decision for bus stops and routes - it seems like this is now delayed the service.

A letter box dropping has been done around the Gasmata and samarai area.So far we have one resident protesting and claims they may be further ones as well. on the other hand there is somebody that used to work at my work place that lives in Samarai Road and is quite happy.
He is asking asking for time tables and this would make his working life happier and easier!Unfortunately, the bus services provide will not cater for early morning as yet - it is a trial bus service - it will then be up to the resdidence around Gasmata, Samarai and Moresby Crescent and Roads to use the bus service and show how desparately it is required by them.

We wish them well and congratulate the 5 members of group whom have been with us at every opportunity to raise their flag: Bev, Christina, Mary and Peter and Wayne!

We have invited anyone protesting about the new service to our next group meeting on 8th May 2010. any interest ed to come along please contact us.

It appears the resolution that Warwick from our group suggested would ease the complaints with the new service in Gasmata. Once we hear any further news we will advise as usual.

'Blake's Way' Is Going Ahead!

The general interest has grown for Blake for his innovative ideas of pleasing all bus travellers from Penrith to Blacktown, Riverstone, Castle Hill, Rouse Hill and Liverpool.

The local press have interviewed him and should be pressing articles on him next week - GO Blake! We are waiting for a decision to show Blake's way to the community in a major place. Once we have this confirmed - we will publicise it as much as we can - we suppose 'Blake's way' we are not taking his ideas as ours, he is terrific!

We suggest you keep an eye in the local newspapers next week! Further news to come!

No Response Fron Allan Shearan - E-mail Sent To Him 14/4/10

We have sent a follow up e-mail requesting our response from our e-mail sent 14/4/10 re no mention of our group on his glossy brochures. We will see if we get a sudden response! These things seem to take time!

FW: Save Our Bus Services Mount Druitt And Surrounding Suburbs

From: John Svoboda (
Sent:Friday, 30 April 2010 12:11:46 AM
To: Allan Shearan (

Dear Allan,

I refer to our e-mail enclosed of 14th April 2010 addressed to yourself, in relation to requesting feedback from you. So far you haven't replied as yet and seem to not want to respond to our positive and community focused group caring for the community. I have learnt a lot from you by your reactions and will have passed on your reactions from us to our group and community.

It would have been nice if you provided a courteously response to us. The more you keep ignoring us the more you distance yourself from our group. We have been approachable each and every one of us and will always be approachable and wait for a possible response from yourself.


John Svoboda
Chairperson Save Our Bus Services Mount Druitt And Surrounding Suburbs.

Friday, April 23, 2010

More Great Suggestions From Bus Drivers To Create The Fear Of Severe Consequences Of 'Rock Throwing'!

It really strikes me how there are so many people are concerned of the numerous 'rock throwing' incidents that occur around neighbourhoods. There are a lot of people placing thinking caps on their head.

I have spoken to one of the local press newspaper representatives and provided them with my opinion on what should be done. Yes, we can talk to the community police and they can spread the word to all the schools around the area and I am sure they are doing the best to prevent this from reoccurring.

Bus drivers are normally considered bus drivers - nothing else.Wrong they all are human and feelings like us. In fact I generally may a point of getting to know a driver and talking about our current issues that most driver consent with us on many issues. Tonight the 780 Westbus driver made a great suggestion - i wouldn't have thought of it. In relation for the passable idea of the press to do a cover story of the maximum penalty of rock throwing - it was suggested that the newspapers obtain actual photographs showing damaged buses as a result of rock throwing. These pictures may be obtained from either Busways or Westbus. Showing shocking damaged buses may make young children think twice and instill the fear actual 'rock throwing' preventing future damaged or even possable death.

We hope the local newspapers can take a lead from this!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Loss Of Buses Can Affect Entertainment Industry Around Mount Druitt

We as group have always understood how deleted services can affect every day lives of every day people, but what has hit us is the every day people we meet or talk too that come and tell us how they are a affected.

A representative from Hoyts has advised that he has been keeping an 'eye' on the local issues and stories concerning deletion of bus services around Mount Druitt. This has affected his company twofold - staff are affected getting to and from work and customers find it difficult to get home late at night and during weekends. He agreed that deletion of bus services can have a dramatically affect within the 'Entertainment industry'.

I think people think twice of whether there is a safety issue to get home at night rather than wait for long night periods for a bus service to arrive. WE appreciate and in all comments that have been provided by this representative.

Mount Druitt doesn't have many entertainment industry for families or friends to go so this is important to us. We will still push on with our cause.

Myzone Tickets Not What They Are?

On Monday I purchased my first Myzone Multi 3 ticket from Mount Druitt Train Station - although the train station attendants are always polite to me - I was explained I would not get the yellow Multi 3 tickets - I would red a red train ticket and on the bottom will be printed multi 3 ticket. This is the revamped old Busplus ticket - just charged colors to red!

The confusion is bus drivers can't recognise it as a Multi 3 ticket they have to read the print on the bottom of the ticket. When I rang the information line - I was told you have to get the Multi 3 tickets not from train stations - I advised in all the glossy brochures given that wasn't explained - I was told by the Transport Info officer that they are not allowed to negative info on hose brochures!

Benefits for me 2 thing $1 cheaper per week and I can use the ticket on both operated buses. Before you couldn't do that! At least this is good I've heard of someone else saving around $40.00 per week that is good for them. I save $1 per week until new transport fares goes up!

Lethbridge Park Rock Throwers On Westbus 759

Why oh why do these people want to ruin the transport lives for others?

A Mount Druitt community member Greg advised myself the morning before last that there was rock throwing incident at Lethbridge Park thrown on the Westbus 759 - this bus is operated by Westbus Penrith.

According to Greg, his 755 Busways bus terminated at Emerton Shops around 6-630pm - he had to walk 15- 20 minutes home . Greg travels approximately 1 1/2- 2 hours to work each day, so for him to take extra time due to loose 'idiots' is totally ridiculous.

My heart went thumping when I heard this - first of all I thought this is wrecking the good work we are doing for the community. I was thinking if rocking throwing happens everywhere every day - there will be no buses running around the communities which is a negative for all. This would lead to a community at a total loss of travel infrastructure, loss of jobs for the bus companies, loss of business for all communities concerned, loss of confidence with the current NSW government who is losing a battle with rock throwers.

We know that the rock throwers are mostly teenagers with nothing netter to do. Why are kids roaming around streets - why aren't they studying, playing sports , totally realted doing creative things that inspires our community not endangers our community.


Meshfilm on buses (like Busways has), more wire mesh on bus windows, more outside hidden cameras to catch the criminals and also bullet-proof windows - an ongoing solution unmarked police cars posted near bus stops along routes ensuring the public of safety but I believe we have got the numbers in our police force to do so!

I think the safest one is the bullet -proof one! Well the expenses of replacing bus windows with this would be inexpensive as compensation court cases provided to bus drivers or passengers that are severely injured from these incidents.

I think the best way to at least reduce and eventually stop the rock throwing is instill fear within the community is to promote the maximum the maximum crime penalty in New South Wales , which is 5 years jailed sentence. I also would it it included there is a minimum fine penalty of say $5000 per person injured and that is payable for the life of the criminals life - decided by courts after serving sentences.

Here are some links to stories on rock throwing laws within New South Wales:


Monday, April 19, 2010

We're Ready To Show 'Blake's Way!

Although this might be the world economic situation to to fixing up the world financial markets crisis. We as a group will be supporting 'Blake's Way!' - ideas he has provided to assist the community in every day travelling - he has done this of his own bat.t
We are ready to To show everyone 'Blake's Way!' - we have a verbal approval from his mother to do so - we are are waiting for written permission to assist him and promote his way!

Al we need is a Venue - so far I have been thinking of Hoyts Mount Druid or Holy Family Church Emerton!

We will let you know when and where!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

E-mail Sent To Allan Shearan Regarding Omitting Our Group In His Political Magazine - AWAITING RESPONSE!

Save Our Bus Services Mount Druitt And Surrounding Suburbs‏

From:John Svoboda (
Sent:Wednesday, 14 April 2010 11:40:23 PM
To: Allan Shearan (

Dear Allan,

I have received your 'Community News April 2010.

It is with much deep regret I have to let you know that you omitted to mention how our group has fought back for the return of needed bus services within Mount Druitt, the ones your Government had taken away as from time table 11/10/09.I thought your backing of our group would be appreciated by yourself. It appears we have been neglected!

In positive comment, I am pleased you place a 1/3 page on the new myzone tickets - which I am promoting to our group and members of the community. And transport key plan states '$2.9 Billiuon on buses including 1000 new buses and more strategic bus corridors' good news - inceased to the ones taken away within Mount Druitt.

Your personal feedback would be very much appreciated!

John Svoboda
Save Our Bus Services Mount Druitt And Surrounding Suburbs.

'Blake's way' Is Finished - Waiting For His Parents Written!

I have had have sneak preview of 'Blake's Way!' - he is a genious - i could not have thought what he has done at all - he should be hired by the Minstry of transport for selecting and approving new bus routes.

We are waiting for his parents written permission to proceed . Then we will tweak 'Blake's way' and ensure that all is covered and then we will go for the bid public release!

We will keep you informed - already we have the local press inteterested in doing a story with him!

New Group Member Is Looking For Political Members At ALP Meetings - They Don't Mention Anything nn ' Local Buses'!

One of our new group memebers is upset how the local members of our area are trating us and the Mount DRuit community - he also wants to comment on 'Blake's way!'


At the last ALP Mt Druitt North Branch Meeting that was held on 26th February 2010 at Mt Druitt Workers Club, Allan Shearan did not attend this meeting. The lovely Mayor of Blacktown and Richard Amery did NOT bring up any of our issues at the meeting. Councillor Stephen Bail and Tony Bleasdale did NOT bring up any of our issues. I am going to the next ALP branch meeting 23th April at Mt Druitt Workers Club at 730pm. I am upset that this is 2010 and yet we still headed back to the stone age. Yet our Labour State MP's our Local MP's and even our Mayor of Blacktown Council can NOT,WELL NOT listen nor are willy to stand up to help us nor to help our aging community and sign family community. We need to keep knocking there doors down and we need to stand up at the next State Election 2011 and vote NO for another ALP State Government.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


The crime penalty for rock throwing on poassing vehcilce is apparanetly 5 years jail sentence and it is considereed hard to defend if the individual concerned adnmited, 'They didn't mean to hurt!

So as the old saying asks, 'Does the punishment fit the crime!' This is a hot debate around our community and one of the hardest things is tfor the police to catch these criminals.

If anyone has any comment or points of issue please join in or conatct us to advise your comments - this would be a hot subject - In my young days there wasn't such a thing as 'rock throwing!' Where and Why haas the rock throwing come from?

Maybe some people have 'rocks in their head!'

Allan Shearn, MP For Londonderry No Mention Of Our Grroup And its Achievements On 'Community News April 2010'

I an disappointed that Allan Shearan has sent out his glossy magazine and in six pages deliberately doesn't mention our groups fighting for returned bus services.

It appears he has cold shoulders regarding our group still. It would be nice to be recognised by our local State MP. Yet I feel I have done nothing wring and said nothing wrong to have this happen. It is for me only to speak on and behalf of our community and be part of a great team that doesn't have any quarrels and gets on with the job.

I have written to Mr Shearan for an explanation of our group from omission from his news letter and will wait for his response.

Another Whalan Community Man Is Not Happy Happy With Buses Taken Away But Is Happy They Are Returning Back!

I met a nice gentleman today ( who I met before), he was interested on how we are going with buses returning to the area< I updated him with a second service coming back 674 around Gasmata. He was pleased about the and said he will check our website as he was interested in what our group is doing.

He also mentioned to me that buses in USA have like a mesh protection on windows and hopes that bus operators invest in the future of doing the same to the buses that travel around Mount Druitt.

On behalf of our group I just want to thank everyone that provides us a thank you but I want to thank them for being warm-heart community members!

ST Marys-Mt Druitt Star - Gasmata Tabled for Blacktown Council

Bus route change tabled for consideration


13 Apr, 2010 09:34 AM

THE fate of a revised bus route to pick up Whalan commuters in Gasmata Crescent lies in the hands of Blacktown councillors.

They will vote on the proposed 674 route at tomorrow night's council meeting.

Westbus has proposed a revised route to include Gasmata Crescent whose residents have been stranded without a service since October.

If approved, the route will turn right into Gasmata Crescent from Luxford Road, before turning right into Moresby Crescent.

It will then turn right into Samarai Road, right into Luxford Road and continue to Mt Druitt.
If approved, the new route will start later this month on a six-month trial.

The Save Our Bus Services group met on Saturday to decide whether to support the proposal.
Councillor Jacqueline Donaldson attended as the group's view will decide how she votes.

Group spokeswoman Debbie Robertson said on Friday it was ``more than likely'' they would support the proposal but push for minor changes to the route.

Blacktown mayor Charlie Lowles will look at the proposal before making a decision.
``It's something I would consider if it has community support,'' he said.

Meanwhile, the NSW opposition has revealed more than 5200 train station lift breakdowns across the CityRail network in a two-year period.

St Marys was fifth worst station across the network for breakdowns with 188 incidents.
Mt Druitt railway station was ninth.

Passengers were trapped in the lift in 11 breakdown incidents at St Marys.

The Star reported in December that a faulty lift on the CBD side was out of action for a month, forcing the elderly and those with prams to use steep stairs to access the station.

``These breakdowns yet again highlight the state Labor government's failure to even get the basics right in public transport,'' opposition transport spokeswoman Gladys Berejiklian said.

Blacktown Council Knocks Back 'Save Our Bus Services Mount Druitt And Surrounding Suburbs' Gasmata Crescent Submission

Although, a submission has been made by a representative of Westbus and Ministry of Transport to Blacktown Council, it appears the Blacktown is not in touch with the community of Mount Druitt when a submission from our group for a bus service was knocked back. JCounciloor Jacqueline iomaldson has put through our proposal and the governing members of the Blacktown City Council were the ones that refused it.

Meeting 20/2/10 - Fight On! ) that has been approved - we feel that there could be safety issues with buses travelling along west of Samarai Road and Moresby Crescent - two buses may find very difficult to pass each other. Although Safety has been looked at by the bus operaters and Ministry of Transport as Allan Shearan had a walk with these representatives - he didn't seem to talk to us and ask for our thoughts. In fact he has turned away from us for quite a long time.

We don't deny that it will provide transport coverage for the residents that used to walk over 400 metres to the nearest bus stop. I have seen children play cricket on Moresby Crescent ( when I drove past one time), so I hope this doesn't create a safety issue in the future. That will up to the residents to ensure all children are safe whilst buses are travelling up and down.

We will be referring to our 5 representatives that we have in our group representing Gasmata area to provide feedback to us within the next few months and that we will use our submission as a backup for next bus review as the bus route 674 in Gasmata is reviewed for 6 months starting as from 27/4/10.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

'MYZONE' Is The New Tickets To Cover Bus And Trains!

The three new multi-modal passes provide unlimited from the 18th April, there will a changed process to purchase train and bu tickets. Under Myzone will be Mymulti, MyTain, MyBus and MyFerry.

These are supposed to be convenient for all public transport commuters. I believe that Busways are not able to take the tickets yet but this could have changed, since I last heard about this. I believe that these tickets may be sold at newsagent and other stockists displaying MyZone Pre-Pay signage.

Bus drivers will not be able to sell the Multi tickets or Mybus tickets - full details are on website provided:

This will make it easier for frequent travellers and in some cases easier,

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Blake's Way - Shows His New Bus Networking For The Mount Druitt And Surrounding Communities! It Is Great!!!!

At our meeting yesterday we discussed current issues and that we had a second victory with buses 674 for Gasmata Crescent, Whalan - problems with time tables indication disability bus - yet there are extra disability buses not marked on time tables for Busways.

And then we had the overwhelming 'Blake' that was showing what he was proposing for bus services all around Mount Druitt. Actually not just Mount Druitt, to Penrith, to Blacktown, to Liverpool and to Rouse Hill.

We as a group are overwhelmed with what this young genius has showed us. We will take on his plans foe Bus Network but not as our ideas - as a group supporting his ideas. One of our group members Anne asked Blake what has motivated him in doing this - he said partly seeing what our group has been doing around the community and he wanted to help the community. Forward planning is to tweak what we will call 'Blake's way' and then help him release his bus network at every occasion we can to the public.

We are encouraged that such a young person has been inspired to provide a network of bus services for the Mount Druitt community. Further details of viewing 'Blake's way' will be provided to you as we keep you informed!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Comments from Western Sydney 2030

These are comments sent to us from 'Western Syndey 2030' regarding bus transport, enjoy it:

John Svoboda -Chairp 2010-03-27 03:54
As Chairperson of a group trying to return bus services removed /deleted from within Mount Druitt - I think the government has gone backward - the plan should be now to increase bus servicesn not wait for a long time for this to happen - The community needs proper tranmsport and we need to promote more car off the road get community membersi nto cheaper public/private transport - this also brings make the air less polutant as well - less fumes in the air!

This is one response:

Amy Williams 2010-04-01 03:29
Thank you to WSROC for providing this opportunity!Following on from John’s earlier post- It is essential that we treat all levels of our transport system equally: Direct services along strategic corridors; Feeder services along primary routes feeding into corridors; Local secondary routes servicing local centres; Active transport; Community Transport (Home and Community Care)There appears to be an increasing focus on express direct services along strategic corridors. Whilst this is ESSENTIAL for a efficient mass transit system that is a viable alternative to the car, the increasing allocation of resources to direct links appears to be creating a ‘gap’ in our transport network.People who are unable to drive, who do not have access to a car, who are unable to walk or cycle to direct bus route stops but who are ineligible for HACC Transport services are becoming isolated from the public transport system. Let us not forget the importance of local transport options!

This is another response:

J1 2010-04-09 00:20
Transport is critical for all of the other areas to succeed. There's no point having great learning centres, art, culture, sporting activities etc if noone can get there. We need to be less reliant on cars and provide other avenues for people, particularly young people to move about the region.Bring on the bike paths, bring on reliable bus services and bring on more action and less talking about it

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

St Marys -Mt Druitt Star on Swallow Drive, Erskine Park!

Rock throwers cut bus service


06 Apr, 2010 09:51 AM

ROCKS smashed windows on a bus in Swallow Drive, Erskine Park, last week, prompting a partial ban on the street by bus drivers until safety measures are adopted.

The rocks smashed three windows and the door of a bus on the evening of March 29.

``Westbus services will not go to Swallow Drive after 6pm and will drop passengers at Erskine Road, a short walk away,'' a Transport Workers Union spokeswoman said.

The union wants a risk assessment conducted by the police, Westbus and the Ministry of Transport.

A union organiser, Darcy Waller, said the rock-throwing was the worst such incident he could remember.

``They were extremely lucky there was no one on the bus,'' Mr Waller said.
''There were glass fragments taking up about half the length of it.''
He said rock-throwing had been going on for some years and it was lucky that, apart from a few minor injuries, no one had been seriously hurt or even killed.

A spokesman for Westbus said: ``The safety of drivers and passengers is of paramount importance to Westbus.
``The company is working closely with police to discuss how the risk of further such incidents can be reduced to enable services to resume in this area after dark.''

Mr Waller said police indicated there would be more patrols in the area, but he believes an
overall safety assessment is needed.
He also called on the public to help.
``If someone sees another person lurking around, acting suspiciously, they should contact the police,'' he said.
``If anyone knows anything, they should do the same.
``All the bus drivers want to do is say goodbye to their families in the morning and hello to them at night.''

Anyone with any information about rock-throwing can contact Crime Stoppers on 1800333000.

If Taxis Strike That Means More Passengers For Buses

last Wedneday week, taxis went on strike for safety and fines issues - whilst this happened there were shoppers that had bags of item to bring home and were told not to get taxis - the only way home after that was queing for buses as advised by an informant.

Refer to story on Mt Druitt St Marys Standard werbsite: Druitt St Marys Standard

Swallow Drive Erskine Park 775 Bus Service Stopped As Affected By Rock Throwing Incident

It is disappointing to hear of incidents that can throw a community into turmoil. The stupid actions of 'Minors' can disadvantage the lives of the elderly, disabled and honest young community members - to think that 5 people had been involved in smashing 3 windows of a Westbus 775 bus run.

Questions appear in my mind. Who and why - well the who is not necessarily important but why? Is it boredom? it is no thing better to do? Is it thrilling to cause potential hurt and harm to drivers and or passengers on bus buses?

What constitutes an single individual to do such things? Should the penalty fit the crime in these circumstances? Does the penalty fit the crime? When these people are caught are they provided with the bill to replace the windows or even the bill that may cause hurt, even death?

Answers: when in was young there was no such thing of rock throwing. I have suggested years ago to my local state member details of what should happen and the underlying thing that comes up is: that creates extra cost and who pays for it? More questions.

I thought someone could invent windows that bounce the rock back onto the offender casing little harm!

I thought that every bus should be fitted with hidden cameras on the outside that would catch these little offenders doing the crime - making it easier for police to charge offenders.

I thought that bus could have hidden water spouts and when these offenders seem to want to create hysteria and this crime a sudden powerful water jet of water is aimed and poured onto the offender - leaving the offender wet with something to think about!

I also thought that unmarked police cars should be positioned in various rock throwing areas ( unbeknown to the community) ready to catch the potential offender.

I personally feel sorry for the residents living in Swallow Drive , Erskine Park and offer our support to the community if they require it - at present we don't have a group members living in Erskine Park!

refer to Mt Druitt-St Marys Standard for the story, we provide their website: Druitt St Marys Standard

SOBS Meeting On 10th April 2010

We are meeting to discuss the issues we have at hand with bus services within our community.

We will discuss three submissions that were passed at last group meeting and results from it.

Also are the route for Gasmata Residents either the new proposed route or the initiated 'Warwick' suggested bus route, Shalvey issues, Bidwill bus services and TV film result.

Blake's bus services routes ideas presentation to our group meeting!

We will keep you informed of what is happening our group is concerned of bus services for people within our area. We will listen to you!

Blackton City Council Has Details Of Bus Routes And Bus Stops Around Plumpton- Councillor Jacqueline Donaldson To Report To Us

We have received a letter from Blacktown Council stating they have received a letter from Councillor Jacqueline Donaldson on our behalf in relation for bus routes and bus stop improvements in the Plumpton area.

Generally Busways are responsible for any bus route and bus stop investigation, accordingly our suggestions have been referred to Busways for their investigation. and reply to us directly.

Councillor Jacqueline Donaldson will report to us at our group meeting of 10th April 2010.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Not Many Early Buses In Mornings

Today, I was talking to a man that I known for many years - he is a very hard worker eager to work but now has discovered that as a shift worker and finds getting there hasn't been that easy!

Now starting shift work at 5.25am in Parramatta, he now finds it different to reach his destination: getting up early and walking 50 minutes to Mount Druitt from Tregear - bus used to leave early in the morning - now they leave later. yes it may be true that early mornings don't bring early morning crowds!

Let's hope that the NSW Government considers early morning buses for workers that are trying to keep thier jobs whilst doing new shifts!

Westbus Has Timetable Changes For 759 As From 2/4/10

One of our Group Members Greg advised me that silently , Westbus changed the 759 time-table service.

There is a slight increase in bus services - it the morning and that seems to be the positive out of it - we would like your feedback from the new timetable - we provide Westbus website for your perusal:
CDCBus - News & Media
News & Media. WestBus logo. Route 759 Timetable adjustments

Monday, April 5, 2010

Bus Driver Didn't Recognise Other Bus Drivers ticket Number!

One of our Group members Shane has been queried by a bus driver for a transfer ticket.

This group member commutes all around Western Sydney and requires efficiency with all drivers along all bus routes. it came as a shock when this driver questioned the transfer ticket our group member had and said that the bus driver number on the ticket was not the driver that drove that bus and issued that ticket. If drivers test every transfer ticket then that could delay a lot of travellers on a lot of journeys.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Bidwill Channel Nine Video

Herech is the video from Channel Nine shown on the news at 6pm on 30th March 2010.

Thank you everyone for organising this and even particularily wearing your passionate heart out

Also thanks to Debbie Robertson and Janet Cribbs for organising a great turn out -Ray Williams for his support!