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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Great News For Save Our Bus Services Mount Druitt And Surrounding Suburbs And The Community

I have struck gold with a representative from Transport NSW that actually listens, hears and responds. I dropped in unannounced today to meet this Representative and all I can say is complete gratitude - this represent will know who this person is (and doesn't want us to disclose their identity).

I must admit, I did speak to this representative before and my eyes, ears and heart went elsewhere the last year or so. Searching for local assistance from Local councillors, community representative and community members who are members of Labor, support their local members and attending their political meetings. I believe that we are not much liked in the community by the eyes, ears and heart of the NSW Government elected representatives but that is life.

Issues spoken (with this representative) covered a lot of areas from disabled bus services to localised local issues even to new bus ideas that are being used to improve the bus services. What was also discussed was No major changes expected around bus services ( which is surprising with a State Election coming near) except a minor change with 758 will be going through Ropers Crossing - although Blacktown City Council has placed 'bus only' lanes within the last month - this will be obsolete with the intended new bus service. The Bus only lanes were in the original Development Approval.

The Transport NSW Representative has advised will be looking forward to look at extending
Busways 739 service to Blacktown and accommodating other bus services - may look at limited extended 755 bus service to Blacktown from Shalvey. At present bus operaters are stating because the new multiple tickets can be used on various transports to get to destination this should be sufficient but Transport is there to ensure there is transport to get to important most used destinations.

In saying this - the representative was keen to look at Blake's Way and in doing we are asking Blake if he would like to present his report to the representative - we will give you feed back in due time.

On the futuristic way Transport NSW is looking to introduce 'PTIBS' (Priority Transport Information Bus Stops or similar) - This will provide great customer service information directing to commuters owning a mobile phone waiting for a bus that hasn't arrived. Commuters will be able to ' SMS' their bus stop number - ( Bus stops number will be either located on the bus stop or obtained on a map from Transport NSW) - they will then in turn receive a return 'SMS' message advising them of the whereabouts of that particular bus service. Bus stop Numbers provided may start with the suburbs post and numbered from there on . For example Mount Druitt 2770.......

The downside of this are the commuters that do not have mobile phones will not be able to benefit from this and it is not yet know if it will be a free service or small charge. It has been trialled with State Transit Authority and Busways are looking to be the first ones to use it. We suggest to Transport NSW that mobile phones that returned to mobile telephone suppliers that receive old mobile phones may consider donating these to the community that doesn't have one!

There is another electronic future device being used called a 'transponder' - although it will not necessarily be noticed by the commuter it may increase the chance of a commuter hoping on a last arrived service reaching the destination a little bit improved or better. What is it - is an electronic device placed on all buses and when reaching traffic lights it will notice the arrival time of the bus and if running late will change the traffic lights to 'Green' and 'Go,go,go!' - completing reducing waiting time - unless their is a bus stop directly after the lights ( not usually).

It was advised that there may be issues with buses during school vacations bus running early or late either way of the bus stop time table - this will then revert back to normal time table bus runs after these periods .

An interesting suggestion was that Transport NSW would be interested in seeing Blake's Way and will assist him with the mapping of bus routes for presentation purposes. Also for a negative issue within the community they would like to see the rock throwing report that our group member Wayne Lu has presented to us - they are aware that at least there are 2 incidents per day report back to Transport NSW in the Blacktown City Council LGA.

We believe both operaters have different polices regarding incidents caused under their "Standard Operating Proceedures':
Busways - Diversion away the hot spot and only drive through after a Police Safety Report and this could be on same day.
Westbus - diversion away for one day and recommence next day after a Police Safety Report.

Again, it was suggested that if anyone has any issues to ring 131500 for any issues, compliments and feedback to assist the smooth running of transport infrastructure around the area.

Well what more can I say - I was left dumbfounded - the drinking water well has been found - next is the gold nugget!

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