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To contact Save Our Buses please email us at:
or phone Deb Robertson on 02 98351882 & 0409669876

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Westbus Driver Needs Our Support

A bus driver that spoke to me today advised me that he has been complaining about bus stops being fixed up in the area - what he meant by that I am completely astounded as he indicated he has been advising his management and it has fallen on deaf ears!

He may be talking about proper signage and proper bus shelters - I tell you something - since we are on this subject I personally think that when the Blacktown City Council decides to spend money on bus stop and shelters they should design something that relates to our heritage. Aboriginal designs - for example bus stops shaped as a boomerang and Woomera, didgeridoo and other aboriginal objects that has been used in their primitive life.

Any way who listens - this could be something that could be used a s tourism enhancement for the area. Imagine every bus stop like this - hopefully it won't be destroyed if we have pride amongst ourselves.

Friday, June 25, 2010

131500 - It Works!

In reference to our story of 17th June this month - where bus drivers nearly miss bus stops! Nick who I speak to on the bus almost everyday has advised he was very surprised that after contacting 131500 that the transport line actually did something to assist him and other commuters on his bus stop. What was it you ask?

The bus drivers use high beam lights to have a better view of commuters waiting on the bus stops now. at 6.10am in the morning it is still dark while the sun is rising. Problem solved! Well done Mick and Transport line!

So if you have a problem with transport ring 131500!!!! and get and incident number, record it for keeps!

2nd Bus Service Retruns To Gasmata Crescent Thanks Mainly To Save Our Bus Services, Mount Druitt And Surrounding Suburbs

Due to mounted pressure from from the Whalan Community members living around Gasmata Crescent - Save Our Bus Services has lobbied for a long time for the return of bus services along Gasmata Crescent. Although it follows a new mapped route - it has angered some residents who have never had this service on there street before - mostly Moresby Crescent and west of Samarai Road Whalan.

I know the Hon. State Member for Londonderry, Mr. Shearan has been pressing hard for this new service to cover residents who previously had a long walk to reach Luxford Road. This is a three month trial by Westbus bus route 674 - which will not run into Bulolo Drive and then into Belmore Road to Mount Druitt. As from 5th July 2010 this service will commence as limited trial run for 3 months. NO update of time tables are currently on w\West bus website as yet.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

New Westbus Driver Agrees With Me - Regarding No Invitation for S.O.B.S

Today it has pleased myself that a new driver unaware that there is a group like our supporting the community for the return to buses with Mount Druitt and surrounding suburbs.

We don't realise that sometimes there are new bus driver oblivious to what has or is happening within the community. They just know how to drive buses safely and transport places from destination to the reached destination.

Although the new bus depot complex is modern and drivers are in a comfortable environment, why was it closed doors for the public and we were not invited by the Managing Director Mr Kua Hong Pak.

A bus driver I spoke to today seemed to have sympathise with myself that our group should have been invited - so it is an emerging feeling that needs the extra be looked at carefully!growing

Monday, June 21, 2010

Westbus New Secret Bus Depot in St Marys - Will It Serve Mount Druitt?

Secretly the new Westbus depot in St Marys in has opened today built $14 Million, 28,000 square metres on Lee Holm Drive.

Press release from Media Contact Rod Frail has indicated it is only for the Penrith - St Marys area. So it seems like there is no inclusion of Mount Druitt. He claims they have 102 buses currently located, can house up to 150 vehicles, 164 drivers, 19 mechanics and support staff operating 1035 bus services every week day - which is just over 43 services per hour and just under 1 bus service per minute. They are expecting over 5 million passengers trips will be provided by buses operating from this bus depot every year.

The Managing Director of ComfortDelGro ( which owns Westbus) Mr Kua Hong Pak had come all the way from Asia for the opening with new Hon. Minister of Transport John Robertson. Satated that the companies collective investments in New South Wales stand at $565million. He thanked all people in making the depot a reality and later on wanted to thank the Unions that have worked hard to ensure stability needed to provide appropriate levels of service to the community.'

Well we as Save our Bus services Group have not required Bus Union or Transport Union officials to assist us - we have asked them to come along to meeting to no avail - so I do not where Mr Kua understands that unions have helped our Mount Druitt community! That's just my personal opinion.

But as a Westbus Company we were wondering why they have not invited our group to the opening to provide a good public image - at present it appears it has been made a low key event. I don't appreciate the nose up attitude for our group and there doesn't seem to be recognition towards bus services in Mount Druitt - only bus services to Penrith St Marys area - maybe missing out our area.

I also wonder what Mr Kua understands of the level of service taken away from Mount Druitt residents as from 11/10/2009 - he should check this with is junior staff at lower levels.

I know one day Westbus will want to shake hands with us allowing us to sit on bus review panels and provide positive feedback. This may not be in my life time but it will be!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sydney Alliance - Invitation To Save Our Bus Services, Mount Druitt And Surrounding Suburbs

We have been invited throught the Western Sydney Public Transport Users Group to provide a 3 minute speech regarding the success of our group!

Whilst I have spoken under 3 minutes in 3 Blacktown Council Meetings and Debbie has spoken once quite passionately.This is my experience - when it was first requested from us I said don't ask me I can talk more than 3 minutes!

Fun aside, I have prepared the speech and found it hard to condense all what has happened in such short time. Reading our stories would prove this to be true but with the help from Amy at Western Sydney Public Transport Users Group i reach there and speak in front of 400 or more people at Bowman Hall, Blacktown on the 11th July 2010 between 1.30-3.30pm.

Check their website, as they are a new group supported by community groups , unions and churches - if you have time we suggest you check there website and see if you want to go there - entry is free:

Labor Party Meeting Does Not Recognise 'Save Our Bus Services'

It has come to my knowledge that at a local Labor Party meeting within Mount Druitt, Local members of State Parliament were asked why they don't recognise our group. One local State member reply is only concerned of the general election that is coming up next year.

To me, it doesn't really concern me if we get support from Local State members or not anymore as we have got the local support from the community and community group members - that is what counts! We are still right behind the community!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Interesting Facts: Group One Bus Services

In Group 1 with a total population of 446,528 - the total population living within 400 metres of bus stop is 332,298 approximately 74 percent as a percentage of population. The lowest percentage within other ares of population is 56 percent and highest 99 percent, with other groups around Sydney.

With this in mind we can see that Western Sydney has a population of approximately more than 25 percent that suffer to reach bus stops. This confirms what we have been saying for a long time - people have been taking longer to walk to get to to bus stops and this was before bus services were introduced towards the end of last year.

Source: NSWTI Transport Data Centre 2009 - Note: bus stops with services at least every 70 minutes.

Bus Drivers Sometimes Forget to Stop - Would you Believe At Bus Stops!

It appears that some bus drivers do not want to stop in early in the morning to pick up passengers on the 755 bus route first first stop after Whalan shops on Bulolo Road, Whalan on the inwards journey to Mount Druitt.

Although it is still dark early in the mornings on Mondays to Fridays around 6.12am, should the driver not check for passengers on the bus stop, the next bus to leave is now half-hourly away thanks to the NSW Government! So should these passengers miss their bus trip although they are waiting for it on time - we have unhappy community members before they start their day in an unhappy way - i have instructed these passengers to contact 131500n and obtain an incident number! It may come to a situation that community members may need to were 'loud' bright colored Shirts that will glow at night and glitter as well or we will have to request Blacktown City Council to provide 'silent coppers' on bus stops that will enable bus drivers to recognise bus stops that have always been placed on the same spot for years!

Mount Druitt's Funny Bus Services

It appears that bus drivers are completely confused with what is happening when picking up passengers from Mount Druitt Bus Interchange - although I do sympathise with drivers when the have a job to do , they may be new in the area and yet the have confused time tables.

So Here I was talking to Nick another local Whalan community member, who was talking about the manly subject of NSW Origin football with another gentleman. At approximately 6.15pm (we were waiting with others as usual) for the reduced bus service of Busways 755. It appeared there may have been a sudden change in a bus review that the 755 that is supposed to enter and depart on Stand 2m at Mount Druitt entered stand 4, left to enter stand 3 and left straoght without entering stand 2. I firstly approached the driver at stand 4 and he indicated to me that he would enter and driver to stand 2 - so I walked back to stand 2 and waited with nick and others for a washile.

The 758 entered Stand 2 and we were waiting for 755 which left stand 4 for stand 3. At the end, nIck and myself entered the bus at stand 3, there were disgrintled passengers aas they were wondering what is happening - we both sat in one seat as the driver was advising he can not go in busn stand 2 - I advised that there is obviously time table problems that needed to be sorted out by Busways and NSW transport Ministry o0f Transport and Infratsructure! I said we didn't have these problems when they left the full 755 bus service was in place!

omething for the everyone to think about!

WSPTUG Symposium For All Transport Users to Attend

Any one interested to attend please contact us on our by e-mail/phone so that we can provide details to Western Sydney Pubic transport users Group - it will be a great opportunity to meet other regions within Western Sydney - There are groups fight for one bus services groups that have fought before and groups that are starting for returned bus services.

Our group is a a group that is linked to the Western Sydney Public Transport users Group - they have supported us from the word go! So in turn we need to support them! I believe it is an enjoyable day!

Date is Saturday August 10 2010 - 10am-4pm

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

WSPTU Transport Symposium 2010

(Click on the image for full size)

RSVP by August 4.
Email or phone 9633 5068.

Friday, June 11, 2010

We have Other Overseas Bus Avocate Group Wanting To Learn of Our Groups Success

We have received an e-mail from Jane in Michigan USA asking for assistance as they have seen our group has been successful - being us.

They live near a university and are battling to save a major bus stop, have provided comments from Jane, povided to us regarding their battle:

'We are only starting out from a local University in town (Western Michigan University, we are located in Kalamazoo, MI) and have been placed at a community center that service low-income individuals and families if they need assistance with food, financial assistance with evictions or utility shut-offs. The place is called Portage Community Centre; they are having many other services that they offer to the public. So include in this small group that want to save the bus stop is myself, Jane , Mike (another intern) and Dianne the Executive Director of the PCC. Like I said we are very small.

The bus stop across the street from us is vitally important because many of our community members that wish to use services PCC, rely on bus transportation to get them there. We have been petitioning and doing surveys for about 2 months now, and after our input session with community members and the bus authority, other surrounding service agency and council men and women: the Kalamazoo County Transit Authority ( a board member of about 50 people in charge of making bus decisions) have agreed to hold more public hearings! This is great because a BIG issue during the Input session was that the people felt KCTA was not letting the people (taxpayers) know what was going on and felt that those in charge was going behind their backs. So all in all input session did leave an impression.'

I have provided tips to assist them, copied Debbie in and so far they have appreciated the tips provided so far. It appears that although we think that reduction of bus services and or bus stops may be in our front yard it is also an international problem and could be wide spread - I hope that this is not because the 'Global economic downturn in stock shares and financial markets! If so, this is inexcusable! You do not have a society when there there is a general trend to population growth and transport infrastructure is heading the opposite direction to population growth ( negative)!

Thank to Western Michigan USA it is great we are working together in different parts of the world for the same cause - there maybe other parts of the work feeling the same!!!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Gasmata Resident Wants Bus Stop Moved

A lady Whalan resident would like the bus stop on Luxford Road travelling north to Tregear to be moved to the top of Gasmata Crescent and Luxford Roads for convenience. The current bus stop is incovenientlty placed opposite Banaro Avenue and is right next to the underpass that is smelly with urine, broken glass and not well lit at night. There is a fear of going through the underpass tunnel.

The resident advised me if our group could assist her. Although our group is not a bus stop issue group - bus stops are part of new and old bus services thus we will try to assist members of the community the way we can through Councillor Jacqueline Donaldson, Blacktown City Council. We will advise you once we receive further feed back from Councillor Jacqueline!

WESTERN SYDNEY 2030 - More Transport Feedback3

Here's an acticle from Western Sydney 2030 dated 9/6/10 from 'rd'

Where are the 'planners' who actually understand how a city works? Those who understand why we need frequent public transport? Those who understand how and why the linkages we need to work. It seems that a Shalvey student, Blake, featured in a local newspaper has good ideas. Have these been put forward here?

Choice is the word - let those who want to cycle, cycle, drive, drive, walk , walk or catch a bus, catch a bus. But there needs to be choices of modes available to where we want to go. And when it is Bus/Light Rail/Train, it needs to be more frequent, as it is competing with the car in attractiveness as a choice.

My comments: Interest for Blake is being has been rising and there is many reasons the community may use buses over other modes of transport s from perosnal to no other choice - whatver the reason we need to support our community for what they want - we may not make everyone happy but we will make the majority of the community happy!

Tregear Community Member Walks More Than A Mile

Today I have heard of lady community member that since the last time table change has been walking in the early hours of the morning from Tregear to Mount Druitt to reach trains as the old 755 bus service doesn't cater for her anymore as it it used too around 4am in the morning.

This is a fine example of bus operaters and NSW Transport Ministry of Transport and the New Honorary Minister of Transport Mr. John Robertson can do to assist our community and restore the integrity of each persons value of transport infrastructure within and around Mount Druitt.

Confidence will have to be rebuilt to bring back the reputation of NSW Government knows it has lost with transport issues around Mount Druitt. When you tear out an artery from the community how do you repair it?

Mount Druitt Rats Running Running Around

Councillor Jacqueline Donaldson from Blacktown City Council seems to action any request as quick as possible.

I have know Jacqueline since end of last year and have found her to be a 'Community-At-Heart Person'. How do you describe a person like this is not hard to do. We all have different interpretations of what this means but to me it means someone working for the betterment of the community, not the individual issues as well as caring for your family. By doing so you do not place any personal grudge against others, act and be diplomatic towards all members of society. Respect what is told to you and respond with natural courtesy and understanding of general reactions. Show ideas and detailed responses.

Anyway back to the issue i was going to advise you, about 2 weeks ago one common Whalan community member advised me that behind the Mount Druitt long Bus Shelters (Busways), where the grass reeds where, she reported to me that she had sight late into the night hundreds of rats running around that area. I asked her how much she thought she had seen she thought it was around 200-300 rats. I advised I would report this to Councillor Jacqueline Donaldson from Blacktown City Council.

What has amazed me is that when I asked for something to be looked at by Jacqueline, within a short space of time she has looked into, got a report or resolved the issue. I have just received an e-mail from Jacqueline today regarding the hundreds of rats, 'Council is laying baits for the rats and I am told they are baits that only kill rodents.'

I shall inform the community when I see her next!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Blake's Way Ahead!

Yesterday we had a public showing of 'Blake's Way' and although we had approximately 30 members of the public attend, we had enough seating.

The overall feeling was that it was a great overhaul of our current bus transport infrastructure around Mount Druitt making it better. Although we had assistance from Hoyts Management, Western Sydney Public Transport Group, Mount Druitt - St Marys Standard, St Marys- Mount Druitt Star a lot of the general public didn't come and that can be caused by 2 main factors - we didn't publicise "Blake]s Way!' to the general public with flyer's handed out or delivered to the community. We were basing it on e-mail sent - word of mouth and Local papers.

I take full responsibility for that and have learnt if we have something similar again we will try to notify the local public though other means of notification.

In relation to 'Blake's Way', we will further promote his new bus services direct to the new Minister of Transport. We met afterwards as a group meeting and we have ideas as to how we can do this. We will advise further!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Blake is our 'Jessica Watson'

We are in the final stages of Blake's way' to be shown to the general public. The community that will open it's eyes to such a wonderful boy who will provide his genious ideas for open discussion.

It will start at 8.30am for 9am start sharp at Hoyts Cinema's mount Druitt, onn the 5thn June 2010.

To me, you will see how Blake is in a way our 'Jessica Watson' slthough we have no high seas to tackle by oursleves. Just a young brilliant person - community natured -looking after community that needs proper realistic services that will take people to their destination on time!