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Monday, July 26, 2010

Without Transport....

Without any transport not one of us can get anywhere. Without any transport, we can only walk on on feet. Without any transport we can not get to work on time. Without ant transport we can reach our major shopping centres. Without transport we can not go the zoo. Without transport we may not reach the church on time!

Without transport, there is no road to success. Without transport children can not reach their schools and be educated. without transport there would be no taxi, bus and train drivers. Without transport people could not do their everyday shopping. Without work we can not visit our doctors. Without transport we would not make it to the emergency of a hospital on time.Without transport we would find our way out. Without transport, we can earn the money to buy. Without transport we can not run transport.

With out transport we need transport to get us all around!

1 comment:

  1. Translations:
    Survive but continue to battle in the heart and soul; writing is sitting judge in his own
