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Friday, August 27, 2010

Community Problem Solving 'Rock Throwers'

Street rock throwers seems to have their own society or so it seems - They appear when they want too only to cause harm, disruption and unstably in others lives.

Their age is mostly young upwards to approximately mid twenties. What makes them 'tick' we are completely unsure, yet I feel it a culmination of many things: complete boredom, no compulsory home work in public schools, possibly no parental/guardian control, peer group pressure ( I'm better than you attitude!), no possible future respectfully life goals, more place for youth activities and youth counselling around the area and maybe I'm wrong.

There is a proper correct resolution to how do solve it - but there is many avenues we can look at to try to get the right message across. First of all what is the right message? The message is 'We as a community need to work together to ensure harmony, peace and safety to on all bus services in or around of Mount Druitt, is instilled within the community through our educational and press sources available to us.'

We now provide the 'A' list as to how we would suggest to the relevant authorities to rid incidents of rock throwing:

Soft approach:

* An Invited Community Forum on 'Community Rock Throwing Issues' - invitation to local youth group members, all children (with supervised children), members of the police, members of Blacktown Local Government councillors, Hon. State Members, Federal Members, Bus operaters and Transport NSW as well as Ministry of Transport, media, bus operaters and bus drivers. Also involving Youth councillors and organisational leaders aroung youth groups see if we can send an importnat message to the community.

*We devise an educational program that can be submitted to the schools with representatives of S.O.B.S. providing affects of rock throwing to the community and to the offender(s) and bus drivers and the flow on affect to the bus operators.

* Becoming 'Doart's inviting the community -without being ashamed - because being a 'doart' may protect the community from potential loss of bus services.

* Security camera's linked up to a bus operators control room - where police have direct access to it as well. Then police can respond within a quick amount of time - (unless understaffed).

* Constant 'unmarked' police cars patrolling the are as well as 'marked' police cars - I do not think that rock throwers would aim at them!

* External hidden camera's on buses - not know by throwers and hidden amongst outside advertising on buses.

* A one day free -trip for youths celebrating youths who work with the community and not against the community, especially in community safety. - all non rock-throwers!

Medium approach:

*We follow the case of rock throwing offender(s) and ensure the community knows what may be end result if caught and charged as an adult and as a youth.

*Is to get through a bill through State Parliament that offenders caught not only a criminal record but there is a fee to be paid paying for damages concerned - if a youth payments may be deferred and start at age eighteen . Declaration of voluntary bankruptcy will be excluded from these fines!

* We recommend that security guards be employed on buses that have customer service skills and may resolve any issue with transport users with the driver, seating arrangement young standing for the elderly, mothers with children and/or disabled. In my younger days conductors ( ticket collectors) were doing this and there was no issue of rock throwing then.

* More community activities provided for youths especially in being proud of providing volunteering servicing 'Serving the community for the good of the community' to make it a better Mount Druitt.

* Use wire meshing on the outside of buses to give bus drivers and passengers that extra bit of protection.

* Anit-spatter glass used on windows.

High approach:

*Is placing street signs confirming ( at places where rock throwing occurs) showing maximum penalties if caught- approximate court time etc.

*High police patrolling around all streets around the area -making Mount Druitt better and safer!

* Water spouting devices on top of buses aimed at youth that can potentially rock-throw - leaving them wet easier to catch by police and controlled by the bus driver!

* A day when youth are invited to ride in a bus all around Mount Druitt with community members position with police just holding rock in their hands (no definite rock throwing) with the members of the Mount Druitt Police force also positioned with the community members ensure nothing else happens. Youth councillors asking the youths how would they feel if the community threw rocks of them and ask them them for solutions for youths! A free trip and rewarded with a bar-be-que at the end in Dawson Mall.


We do not want rock throwers to be known if they are doing it - we just want them to know what can happen so they will not do this!!!!

Not all ideas are directly from our group - a lot of ideas are of my own but let me say I am putting my thinking cap on - some are extreme ideas that may not be used. The order of the priority of importance maybe changed

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