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Friday, August 27, 2010

'D.O.A.R.T.' - One Solution To Ridding Rock-Throwers

You might as well say what the hell is a 'DOART'? What has 'Doart' got to do with Rock Throwers?

Is it someone creating an art work and doing something for the community? no.
Is it just doing art? No.
What is it?

Here it is: it is one of my ideas to rid rock throwers and rock throwing in the area. We all have to place our thinking caps on (not just me) to prevent these violent events happening around our community and within our own streets.

I'm not afraid to ring 000 and call the police if I see any unfair acts of violence around. So a Doart is a 'Dob On A Rock Thrower'! That is what it means people who see or recognise juveniles that are acting in a manner that all they want to see is harm and destruction and may even end up to be a death, one day!

So ring the police immediately, let them know what is happening if so see young people provide as much details as you can and hopefully they will understand what it feels to have a Doarter do them in! We need more 'Doarters'! I always hear of how and where the rock-throwers are but what I find difficult is them being caught. A Doarter will catch them - become a doarter!

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