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Monday, August 16, 2010

Located Autralian Transport Council - Looking At Transport At On A Larger Scale

I have found a website that covers Australia's Transport - although our area in small in comparison - I will show you their objectives on all levels, as follows:-

To achieve this vision the ATC commits to the following policy objectives:

Economic - To promote the efficient movement of people and goods in order to support sustainable economic development and prosperity.

Safety - To provide a safe transport system that meets Australia's mobility, social and economic objectives with maximum safety for its user.

Social - To promote social inclusion by connecting remote and disadvantaged communities and increasing accessibility to the transport network for all Australians.

Environmental - To protect our environment and improve health by building and investing transport systems that minimise emissions and consumption of resources and energy.

Integration - To promote effective and efficient integration and linkage of Australia's transport system with urban and regional planning at every level of government and with international transport systems.

Transparency - Transparency in funding and charging to provide equitable access to the transport system, through clearly identified means where full cost recovery is not applied.

I have posed a question that may send ripples up Federal Government's Ministers and State Ministers as well through this Federal Body:

'Why isn't there community involvement in bus reviews especially when local government may turn a blind eye to the communities needs?
Our Group Save our Bus Services Mount Druitt And Surrounding Suburbs, have lobbied hard for deleted services to be returned and we have had 2 returned services one them a bus service that went through eight suburbs - We did it as a community group by ourself.Chairman.'

1 comment:

  1. Translation:
    After reading your article every time, always memorable for a long time, we should always express Oh.
