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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Required ' Community Involvement For Children' - Stops Them Running Amock In the Streets - Making Extremely Safer For The Community And Bus Drivers

My views on keeping children away from streets (unless necessary), streams back to my young days. I might be a little old fashioned in some of my thoughts - but some of the old fashioned ideas that were in place - have just been forgotten - leaving the type of society we have today.

My parents kept me within my own compound unless required to do shopping chores locally. The rules were only for myself to do these errands during daytime, no time time walking around (for no reason), especially at night.

Now I have seen and experienced children at 16- 18 years walking around in groups at night time sometimes just walking on the streets itself not on footpaths - sometimes alcohol in their hands - where signs deter the use of alcohol on streets.

It is suggested that children should be kept busy at home with the assistance of parents and/or guardians via home work (provided by the schools), encouraged to study or read educational readings of self-interest, encourage a hobby or interest.

Government and community groups have a responsibility towards our youths by inviting them to take up interest in different community groups, so they expand their local experience in the wider community. This could be joining group like ours so that the young will be heard and paid attention. This could be taking up an interest in a type of after school support which creates encouragement in participation of sport of your own interest. This could be getting involved in community fairs, youth groups, that support the youth around the area - the list can go on - the idea is not to allow children to endanger the community by any means whatsoever in fact it is to enhance and improve the community as a whole.

What could Governments do - promote initiatives to get children involved through schools , community groups, sporting bodies of any other interest organisation that is recommended to enhance the and provide a better quality of life through voluntary programs. Keep the children interested - don't let them out of our sight as they may be lead astray by peer group pressure.

I also believe in curfews after 10pm at night for childreb up to 18 years unless they are accompanied by a parent, guardian or senior adult. Why should we allow 13-14 years walking around at night by themselves. I understand in the old days police officers used to pick up children roaming the streets and drive them back to their home - so that they were in peacde and not disturbing the peace - this maybe difficult for police to do today!

At the end our community benefits, bus driver would have a safer ride of no fear and lastly the individual youth will have a better understanding of a good life!

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